Searching for beloved son...
Bodhi Lemmy Rowe was forcefully adopted when his family tried everything to keep him.
Following multiple failures by professionals evidence has been kept to support birth family's position. Including following complaints both your original CAFCASS Guardian and original IRO left both pointing fingers at your original Social Worker and more. Since then there has been a Panorama expose on Herefordshire Childrens Services by Louise Tickle, this was followed by an OFSTED report of inadequate. A meeting was held six weeks after your adoption which was live tweeted by Louise here. She continued here and here and she very kindly apologised she couldn't take on your case here, you will see I comment that anyone who has adopted a child from Herefordshire (including you) are now complicit in this evidenced corruption.
She kindly quoted me in the Guardian Newspaper.
The judge accepted the harm that was done by the short comings of the police, you have a claim against them and the local authority as they physically and mentally hurt us all when they were acting unlawfully.
Bodhi you are the ultimate judge - please find me when you can.
Love Mummy H xxx
You can watch the meeting of the council in full here my questions start around the 9 minute mark
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